My sisters were really nice enough to put so much effort in making me look presentable and I actually felt quite pretty. I got compliments from a lot of people and that just boosted my confidence up even more.
When he first came, I couldn't find him in the crowd until much later and by then everyone had to enter the hall.
Because of my heels, I was way taller than him cause my heels were around 3.5 till 4 inches tall and were boosted by platforms as well. =-=
Anyway, I shall tell all the encounters that I had with him today. :)
The first one, Ariel and I had to go around, asking the Prom King and Prom Queen nominees to get ready outside the hall for their grand entrance, so we went over to the senior's side and I saw where he sat.
He looked really good. Like really really really good.
He was handsome.
Oh sheep, I'm so cheesy but I can't help it because he really did.
Even if he didn't follow the theme (vintage vogue) and only put on a regular suit, to me, he was the best one of the best ones.
Anyway, I was scanning the crowd of seniors when I saw him and his friend turn to look at me and he looked at me for a very long time.
I mean like, if you saw someone, you'd just glance and then turn back to your table, but he didn't.
He was still staring when Ariel and I left and I felt a bit happy.
I went on stage twice cause I was the girl holding the lucky draw bowl and at certain points, my knees shook.
I don't know if it was because I had been in them for over an hour or whether it was because I knew that he was in the crowd.
At the end of prom, I made my way to the senior's table after a moment's hesitation and I began talking and taking photos with some of my seniors, Blair and Melrose included.
He was still standing there and he was really close to us at one point but I was still too afraid to approach him and to talk with him.
Besides, he was hanging out a lot with Angel and a couple more of other friends.
Then, he went out and I began feeling upset and started beating myself up in my mind.
And so, I went out to find him, feeling lost because most of my friends were gone and then I got scared cause I couldn't find him so I thought that he left already.
Then, I saw him, still hanging out with Angel and the rest.
I slowly approached them, talking with other seniors and taking more photos with my friends when suddenly I was right next to them.
Then, Angel and I chatted for a bit before we took a photo together.
She's really nice. :)
While Angel and I were taking our photo, he turned around and left so I got really disappointed and sad.
For the next 5 minutes, I couldn't find him and when I did, he was inside the hall and I didn't dare to go in.
So I went over to June whom I finally got the chance to hang out with for a bit cause she was busy from the moment prom started and we took a couple of photos together as well as with some of our other friends.
I told June how I felt and she asked me if I wanted to take a photo with him and I said 'yes' but I couldn't cause I didn't have a camera.
"Never mind la! You can borrow mine!"
Her words made my night.
Thank you so much.
Then, Law came out from the hall with Angel and I got slightly panicked.
Me: How am I supposed to take a picture with him? I don't know what to say!
June: Never mind, I'll ask Angel to take a photo with us both and then you can take a picture with him!
So the three of us took a picture, him being the photographer (wonder if Angel thought that was weird since I already took a photo with her) and then he gave back the camera and was about to turn away when I stopped him.
Me: Wait, Law. Let's all take a photo. :)
June: Yes, the three of you.
Law: Sure.
And then, we stood next to each other, Angel to his right and I to his left.
But suddenly, Angel kind of left him and I there so June said "Never mind la, just the two of you."
I really wonder why she did that. Did she know that I only wanted to take a picture with him and so decided to help me? She just walked out from the frame and looked at Law and I for a while before she turned around and left.
And so, I now have a real picture of him and I together. :)
I didn't want to waste that moment so I decided to just talk to him.
Me: Law, is it okay if I ask you something? Do I annoy you?
Law: No!
Me: Are you pissed with me???
Law: No! *Grins* I'm just like that. (Referring to him not replying my text)
Me: Oh, good! Cause I was scared that you were pissed at me.
Law: *Grins* I'm a nice guy.
Me: So you don't mind me SMS-ing you or anything?
Law: No! Of course not.
Me: So it's okay if I do SMS you anytime?
Law: Of course. I'm a nice guy.
Me: It's okay if I ask you for game tips right?
Law: Ya. *Nods*
Me: I'm going to miss seeing you in school.
Law: I'll miss you too.
He was grinning throughout the whole time we were talking.
I kept hitting his arm. I bet I was unconsciously flirting. =-=;
June was there the whole time, looking at the two of us.
Later on, she told me that she was so happy because she was happy for me and I find that really cute of her. :)
She got to take a picture with Sam too, although, she stopped liking him a long time ago.
Talking with Law was my highlight for that entire evening.
He looked at me at times quite often after that.
Then, I went around, talking and taking photos before I went home.
Yes, I feel really happy and extremely blessed that this happened cause now I know that it's really okay to communicate with him through Facebook and texts but of course I won't do it all the time.
However, I feel a bit sad.
Initially, it was cause I thought he and Angel had something going on but according to Skye, Angel likes one of Skye's ex-crush so there's no way there's anything between them.
That news cheered me up a bit but somehow, I still feel sad and I'm not too sure why.
At least I have this memory preserved and to be eternally kept inside a photo.
I cannot thank June enough for doing that for me.
Thank you so so so much.
Now, I can be sure that I have no regrets whatsoever.
I can actually imagine how it'd have turned out if I never did anything.
I'd be here, feeling all sad and pathetic and regretting a whole lot.
I feel proud of myself for accomplishing something that I never thought I'd ever do, something that I thought was really impossible at the start of this year.
He doesn't mind keeping in contact with me and I feel relieved that I didn't confess to him.
Now, I just need to build a friendship with him.
It'll be slightly difficult now that I don't see him a lot but there'll surely be a way.
Need to sleep now cause I have mooting tomorrow. :)
PS. I received a lot of "you're really sweet" compliments from a lot of seniors and it feels good. :)
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