So yesterday I came a bit late to Maths class with Xia so I immediately took the vacant front row seat at the side of the hall because I didn't want to make too much hassle by going to the middle where Yu was. I actually only noticed her when I took my seat so yeah.
A few minutes later, Prince came in and he took the seat next to me but we were separated by the aisle so technically we weren't really sitting next to each other.
I wanted to talk with him during our short break but I didn't have the guts to and Tia came over to my place so I ended up talking with her while he went off to talk with some other guys. I guess he's getting closer to Carl since there isn't anyone else that he talks to much, not even Acia's friend. Acia's still not back yet, I guess he must be missing her.
Then when we resumed the lesson, I did my best to pay attention but I felt really sleepy. At one point, when I tried to uncap my pen, it flew off to his direction and landed under his chair. He picked it up for me and I said 'Thank you' and gave him a smile but he looked really wary of me for some reason.
I didn't do that on purpose, really. I wouldn't want to get a guy's attention in that way.
Then as soon as it was lunch break, I asked him how long had he been sick for (since he was sniffling throughout class) and if he was on medication to which he gave really short answers and the atmosphere after that was kind of awkward.
I changed my seat after that to sit next to Yu and when I got out of class, I stupidly went in the same direction as him but I pretended to not notice him so I walked faster and pretended to look like I was in a real hurry or something.
I think I was angry with him and really, why should I get angry with him? He didn't do anything wrong to me.
I really feel like I pissed him off and I want to say sorry to him but June said that me asking him about his health already shows that I am highly interested in him so I'm thankful I didn't listen to Helen's advice about chatting him up on Facebook.
But then again, why do I have to be discreet about whether or not I like him? Why can't I just be honest?
I don't know the rules of the game at all.
On one hand, I want to chat with him and on the other I don't want to appear too eager or anything like that.
I really don't know.
It's like I was making progress and then I cut down every single bit that I had done and now I'm at the starting point again.
My mind is so messed up now. I don't know how to make this better.
I guess I'll never be good enough for guys that are my type.
Why does it always turn out this way?
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