Thursday, June 19, 2014


Ever since I found my passion in drawing again, I've spent even less time on bothering about finding love and the like so it's no wonder that I hardly post in here.

I'm still surprised at the fact that it's been more than a year since I've stopped liking Prince.

I'm even more surprised at the fact that I haven't been "in love" in this past year or so. I had celebrity crushes and I was attracted to some people but compared to Prince and...

You see, I even forgot the nickname that I coined for him.

Ah, right, it was Law.

Anyway, they were both serious crushes, like really serious.

But I know that none of them was love.

Because love can only exist if it's a two way effort.

But yeah, I'm surprised at the fact that I've gone for a long time without yearning so desperately for a relationship and I mean, yeah, I'd still like to be in one but I don't let that be the only thing on my mind. Most probably because my mind is more preoccupied by other things.

But, this isn't the reason why I wanted to post in here.

Two days ago, we had our history test and it was the first time that I saw Prince in a long time since his absence in school has increased steadily over the past year.

I got out of class early because I didn't know a question and I felt too stressed out to look at the paper. I intended to leave early but I got stopped in the hallway by a girl who began asking me questions and it turned out to take a long time.

That was when Prince came out and when he passed by us, I noticed that he looked my way for some time before he went on ahead.

I don't know why, but I do have my own speculations.

One, I have been working out consistently the past month so maybe I've lost some obvious weight so he was surprised with how I look now especially since we don't really see each other that much.

Reminds me, we did get to talk that time back in February hahaha.

Anyway, it could also be that he just was surprised to see that I was still there despite leaving the class early.


That's all for now. I've hardly ranted about love relationships in ages and I guess it's cause I'm in the midst of building a strong relationship with myself as an artist. For now I'm just happy with where I am and I will continue to become a much more stronger and better person with God's help.