Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Probability IS 0.0000001

So I went to a friend's open house today and I got around to talking to one of the two friends who knows I have a crush for Law. :)

Her code name will be June. :)

She also has a crush on another guy in my class.

And so as I was talking to her, she kept on mentioning Law's name.

I guess it's cause she wants me to talk about our crushes together and so I did. :)

I found out that the day that I told her about my crush on Law, she went on Facebook and added him.

And he didn't accept the request.

Even when he went online the day after that.

Which tells me what? He isn't the type of person to add people he doesn't really know. I KNEW IT!

And then that got me thinking, if I added him, would he accept it???

I'm not going to yet though. I'm still waiting for the opportunity for both of us to talk normally before I add him cause for one, he doesn't really use his real name on Facebook so he'd probably go "How the hell does she know this is my Facebook page?".

I also came across a story I think he wrote when he was 16.

And what highly amused me was that he didn't use curse words and if he did, he censored them. XD

That made my day. Honestly.

I was going to literally laugh out loud but it was too early in the morning.

He's so effing cute! XD

He's a good boy. He really is. :)

And I prefer good boys to bad boys.

But how about him???

Can't wait for school to re-open.

Now I must not procrastinate any longer and go exercise and then bath, eat and then do Maths homework before I play DragonNest! :D


  1. Hello~! You know, I get exactly the same way that you do when I like someone! We should confide and consult with each other! And be friends!( ^u^)
    Please follow my blog as well!

    ( )

    1. Hey Josephine. :)
      Thanks for your comment and I'll definitely follow your blog cause we really have a lot in common. (Asian, Christian, manga, guys,) XD.
      Not sure how we're going to confide in each other and all but still I'm happy there's someone like you who reads my blog. :)
