Monday, March 26, 2012

To be a fool or to be a brave fool?

Guess what happened today?

Over the past few weeks, I always wrote letters to Law although I never intend to give them to him. Instead, I keep them in my white book that's decorated with post-its about Law and all of those usual girly crap.

I always write to him on Mondays cause somehow I get very upset and sad on Mondays.

But, that's not the main event of today.

As usual, after school, I sat down at a table in the assembly hall and began to write a letter to Law and just before I finished, I thought, "Hey, why don't I read back all my previous letters that I wrote to him?" So, I began flipping through the pages of my book.

And that's when I found them missing.

Both of them.

The only ones I wrote.

And one of them even had his and my initial for our first name.

That's not even the worse part.

As I had to go around collecting the money for the Election Board party last Saturday, I had to cart that white book around with me.

Never mind. I won't jump to that part yet.

I'll just start by telling all the normal things I usually say first.

I didn't attend English class cause by the time I reached school from the supposed "interview", I was late for class and I wanted to finish up the checking list for the Election Board party.

Anyway, during the first break as I was sitting down, June asked if I could see Law anywhere and I said no so she called him lazy. 


But then he showed up soon after she made that comment so she said he's a good boy.


June said that she was looking at him the whole time he walked towards the food stalls and she saw him looking at me before he looked at her and then he turned away and looked in front.

Then, after break, I had to build up my guts to go to the year two's lecture hall to collect the money from my seniors and he was there also.

Thank goodness I didn't have to scream to get anyone's attention cause the minute I stepped in, some of them were already coming up to me to pay.

When I looked up from calculating the money, I saw that Law was already making his way towards me.

Law: Shit! I don't have enough money I think!
Senior 1: Why?
Law: I think it's cause I spent the money on chicken rice.


He's so cute!

Except that he cursed but at least he didn't say "F".

Then, he handed me the money and he was about to walk away when I called him back.

Me: Law! Wait! I need your signature!
Law: My what? Signature? Where?
Me: Here. You can use my pen.

And then he signed it and went back to his seat.

But I noticed that when I was looking up and looking into the crowd to look for more seniors, he was definitely looking at me and it wasn't even for a short time only.

I mean, if you just happened to look at someone, you'd look away after like 2 seconds right?

He definitely looked at me for more than 5 seconds.

I went out after that.

2 hours later, I discovered that my letters to him were missing.

Now, where could it have went to???

Of course.

One of the possible places must be the lecture hall cause I brought the white book in there!

Initially, I felt really panicked but now, I feel like "Whatever happens, happens" and I'm not going to be some cowardly fool.

I might as well be a brave fool.

So go ahead humans, laugh at me.

It's a free country and I can like who ever I want to.

Oh, and this is my prediction for today.

A secret admirer will soon send you a sign of affection.

As well as this but this one's for tomorrow.

Having the Moon in your work sector is always an advantage, ensuring that you have your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. But as this is the Moon's last visit to your work sector before Venus returns in just 7 days time and before some important new doors start to open, it's even more important that you pay attention and that you listen to your gut, your hunches and your instincts.

So here I am. Trusting that whatever I did was right.

Going to watch The Legend of Korra after this cause one of my high school friend gave me the link and in a way, it shows that I have things in common with Law cause he watches this as well.

Not like he'll ever stalk me though to know that I'll be watching it.

I'm also jealous of some of my peers cause they got to write messages to our graduating seniors on a public bulletin board and Law got a message from someone as well. 

Something about being in the same abacus class or something.

Never mind, going to watch it now and I must study a bit before going to sleep.

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